Evaluating online therapy services involves a comprehensive methodology that considers multiple factors to provide an informed and objective opinion. Each online therapy service is rated out of 5 stars. The methodology includes checking :

1. Platform's security and privacy policies

The platform's security and privacy policies to ensure that client data remains confidential and protected. We are also looking for any breaches that may have been found by US government agencies such as the FTC.

1 star is awarded if we do not detect any privacy issues.
1 half star is awarded if we identify minor privacy security issues.
No stars are awarded if we identify major privacy security issues.

2. Therapists' accessibility and availability

The accessibility of the platform on different devices and internet connections is also evaluated to ensure that clients can easily access therapy.

The ease of use and functionality of the user interface and available features, such as chat or video calling, are evaluated.

1 star is awarded if the platform is accessible on all devices and 24/7.
1 half star is awarded if accessibility on devices OR access to the platform is not possible 24/7.
No stars are awarded if accessibility on devices AND access to the platform is not possible 24/7.

3. The cost of the service

The cost of the service, including subscription or membership fees, as well as any additional fees for additional services or features, is also considered.

1 star is awarded if the cost of offering online therapy is less than $50 per week.
1 star is awarded if the cost of the online therapy offering, per week, is between $50 and $100.
No stars are awarded if the cost of the online therapy offering, per week, is greater than $100.

4. The client satisfaction

The client satisfaction rates and any available research or evidence supporting the platform's effectiveness, is evaluated through Trustpilot reviews and other sources of feedback.

1 star is awarded if the service obtains a customer satisfaction rating of at least 4/5.
1 half star is awarded if the service obtains a score on customer satisfaction between 2.5 and 4.
No stars are awarded if the service has a customer satisfaction rating of less than 2.5 or if we have not found a source of customer reviews.

5. The qualifications of therapist & other

The qualifications and credentials of therapists using the platform, as well as their experience and expertise in online therapy, are evaluated to ensure that clients receive quality care.

The availability and effectiveness of customer support is also evaluated to ensure that clients can receive help and support when needed.

The ease of use and functionality of the user interface and available features, such as chat or video calling, are evaluated.

On this last star, the qualification of the therapists is mostly taken into account. However, several elements can be taken into account in the attribution of this last star.
1 star is awarded if the service offers only licensed therapists.
1 half star is awarded if the service offers only licensed therapists but also non-certified therapists.
No stars are awarded if the service offers only non-licensed therapists.
The combination of these factors provides a comprehensive evaluation of the online therapy service, which can help clients make informed decisions about their mental health care.
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